The Standard Chartered Straight2Bank Mobile Android app is complementary to our Straight2Bank Web offering. Available to corporate clients with Straight2Bank access, it enables treasurers to authorise Cash and Trade transactions whenever, wherever. With secure delivery and instant confirmation, your business is kept moving even when you are on the go.</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">渣打银行Straight2Bank移动Android应用程序是我们Straight2Bank Web产品的补充。提供到Straight2Bank访问的企业客户,它使财务官,授权现金和贸易交易,无论何时何地。安全地传送和即时确认,您的业务不断移动,甚至当你在旅途中。</div> <div class="show-more-end">